Using Violence as a Defensive Tool

Personal Defense Connection
3 min readJul 4, 2022

The thought of striking someone, gouging out an eye or two, breaking a bone or crushing a windpipe (maybe even causing their death) isn’t a pleasant one.

As Tim Larken says: “The hardest part [about using violence to defend yourself] is giving yourself permission to be brutal. Giving yourself permission to survive.”

Give yourself permission

You have the right to do whatever it takes, including seriously injuring your attacker, to protect and defend yourself.

Give yourself permission to defend yourself. To act. To fight back. To win.

Give yourself permission to use violence to do whatever it takes to stop a violent attack. To injure your attacker so you can get away.

Be resolute. Be determined. Do not hesitate. Strike your attacker with full force. Continue striking until you have caused him enough injury that he can no longer attack you.

Do not be afraid to touch his eyes. Gouge them out. Break bones. Crush, stomp, smash, strike… be determined to save your life, even if that means taking his.

Turn the tables and become the predator.

“Let your attacker worry about HIS life. Don’t hold back. Strike no more after he is incapable of further action, but see that he is stopped.” ~Jeff Cooper

“Pain can be ignored, but nobody can ignore an injury. When a throat is crushed or testicles smashed or a knee is broken, the body has a spinal reflex response that can’t be stopped.

That spinal reflex creates a moment of helplessness allowing you to deliver another injury.

Rinse and repeat until he’s broken and you’re safe.

Sound harsh? Remember, this psycho is not trying to steal your bar stool. He’s going to end your life or hurt your child or beat you until you’re in a coma. Do you want to fight him? Or do you want to put him down as quickly as possible so he’s no longer a threat? That’s a decision you need to make now.” ~Tim Larken

It’s up to you to defend yourself.

You are your own first responder. You can’t rely on someone else being there to help you. Even if people are nearby they may be unwilling or too afraid to help. And the police won’t get there in time.

“If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore, what he must be taught to fear is his victim.” ~Jeff Cooper

Isn’t your life worth defending?

If you’re still not sure if you can do it, ask yourself this: “Would I rather be raped, hospitalized and/or beaten to death instead of responding to an attack with necessary violence?

Still don’t think you could inflict injury on another person?

Keep this in mind: Criminals, thieves, predators, thugs, do not care if they hurt you. They want what they want and don’t care if their victims end up in the hospital or morgue.

Related Post: What would you do in a violent situation?

“You must choose whether you prefer living with the guilt of seriously damaging or killing another human being, or giving up your own life so a sociopath an rummage through your purse.” ~Tim Larkin

Life is a gift. Defend yours with all your might.


Related Post: Violent Attacks only Happen to other People

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Personal Defense Connection

Self Defense, Threat Awareness, Defensive Mindset, Firearms. I want to help people learn how to be safer. It's that simple. (PDC is on Tumblr)